Thermal Engineering (Engineering Thermodynamics & Energy Conversion Techniques)---khanna

645.00 615.00

Table of Contents

*Definition, concepts and Zeroth law of thermodynamics *First law of thermodynamics *Second law of thermodynamics and entropy *Availability, irreversibility and efficiency *Thermodynamic relations *Properties of steam or pure substance *Introduction to heat transfer *Reversed carnot cycle *Gas cycle refrigeration *Reciprocating air compressors * Simple Vapour Compression Refrigeration System * Properties of Common Refrigerants *Steam generators *Boiler mountings and accessories *Draught * Fuels and Combustion *Performance of steam generator *Reciprocating steam engine * Compound Steam Engine *Condensers * Rankine Cycle-Rankine Engine *Introduction to steam nozzles *Steam turbines * Cycles for Modern Steam Plants *Air cycles * Variable Specific Heat and Dissociation in Gases-Fuel-Air Cycles *Internal combustion engine * Combustion in Internal Combustion Engine *Gas turbine * Absorption Refrigeration *Steam jet refrigeration *Psychrometry *Rotary compressor *Fans *Lubrication * Volumetric Efficiency Analysis of Four Stroke Internal Combustion Engines * Introduction to Super- Charging of Internal Combustion Engine * Appendix.
