Together With CBSE The Story Of My Life Unabridged Edition Novel for Class 10: Together With The Story Of My Life Class 10

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This edition will help the students to develop a good understanding of the story and its characters. The text is unabridged and all the important aspects have been highlighted at the end of every chapter under heading “Synopsis”. This will provide students a synchroflash glimpse of the chapter. Answers to the questions under the heading ‘Wit Zone’ suggest students to stay amid their reading review paragraphs and grasp the idea of the novelist duly formed by virtue of her deep thinking and gesticulations. These are simple questions but refresh and reassess the part of chapter just read out by students. 
Salient features are:
1. In order to remove jargons, hidden connotations and make them easier to understand, these have been marked as 1, 2….in superscript on the body of text and simple meanings for them have been given at the foot of each and every page.
2. In order to facilitate evaluation of the student’s comprehension, three types of questions are included in each chapter along with their answers.
• Global questions to be answered on the basis of understanding, interpretation and inference of the theme and plot of the novel.
• In order to extract elements of sympathy, empathy, cooperation, affection, affinity, kindness etc. parts of human personality from the running story, questions based on character-sketch have been framed wherever deemed necessary. 
• The ‘Examination Oriented Questions’ section at the end of the novel includes questions based on an overall comprehension of the story. Value points provided as hints.
