Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning--------khanna

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Section.1- Introduction
♦ Traffic engineering administration and functions ♦ The road user and the vehicle

Section.2-Traffic Surveys
♦ Speed, journey time and delay surveys ♦ Vehicle volume counts, classification and occupancy ♦ Origin-Destination survey ♦ Parking surveys ♦ Use of photographic techniques in traffic survey

Section.3-Analysis and inter-pretations of traffic studies
♦ Statistical methods for traffic engineering ♦ Speed studies ♦ Traffic forecasting

Section.4-Geometric Design ♦ Geometric design

Section.5-Parking               ♦ Parking

Section.6-Traffic Controls
♦ Traffic signs ♦ Road markings ♦ Traffic signals ♦ miscellaneous traffic control aids and street furniture

Section.7-Traffic Regulations ♦ Regulation of traffic

Section.8-Traffic Safety ♦ Road accidents-Caused and prevention

Section.9-Street Lighting ♦ Street lighting

Section.10-Traffic Management ♦ Transportation system management

Section.11-Highway Capacity ♦ Highway capacity

Section.12-Theory of Traffic Flow
♦ Scope, definitions and basis diagram of traffic flow ♦ Lighthill and Witham’s theory ♦ Car following theory ♦ The queuing theory and its application to traffic engineering problems ♦ Vehicle arrivals, headways and gaps ♦ Simulation of traffic

Section.13-Transport Planning
♦ Transport planning process ♦ Transportation survey ♦ Trip generation ♦ Trip distribution ♦ Traffic assignment ♦ Modal split ♦ Evaluation ♦ Land-use transport models

Section.14-Transport Economics
♦ Economic evaluation of transportation plans ♦ Vehicle operating costs ♦ Accidents costs ♦ Traffic congestion, traffic restraints and road pricing

Section.15-Some Current Topics in Transportation
♦ Nature of traffic problems in cities ♦ Public transport in cities ♦ Intermediate public transport in Indian cities ♦ Traffic and the environment *Fuel crisis and transportation ♦ Transport modes, technology and selection ♦ Application of information technology in transportation ♦ Public-Private partnership in transport projects ♦ Logistics in transport
