Vaman Puran-------gita press

125.00 125.00

Description : This voluminous book contains the divine glory of Lord Vishnu. There has been described beautifully in this book the divine characteristics of Lord Vamana (Dwarf), Nara-Narayana, This voluminous book contains the divine glory of Lord Vishnu. There has been described beautifully in this book the divine characteristics of Lord Vamana (Dwarf), Nara-Narayana, Goddess Durga alongwith the virtuous conduct of Bhakta Prahlada. And Sridama etc. Besides all this the book also contains the divine sports played by Lord Shiva, Vehicle –episode, destruction of Daksha's sacrifice, Hari's form of Kala, burning of Kamadeva (God of Love, Cupid), Killing of Andhaka, Lakshmi-episode, description of spirits, several Vratas (fasting days), hymns and in the lost discourses regarding devotion towards Lord Vishnu have also been included. Price Rs. 75 .00.
