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The entire subject of Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering including Environmental
Engineering also known as Public Health Engineering is divided in to three parts:
Water Supply Engineering
Sanitary Engineering
Environmental Engineering.
The first part deals with the fundamentals of Water Supply Engineering. It discusses the whole
science of water supply engineering relating to the quantity and quality of water, sources of
water supply, pumps for water supply projects, treatment of water, coagulation of water, filtration
of water, disinfection of water, water softening, collection and conveyance of water, distribution
system of water, pipe appurtenances, water pollution control, water management, radioactivity
and water supplies, etc.
The second part of the book deals with the fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering. It discusses
the topics such as collection and conveyance of refuse, waste water, quantity and quality of
sewage, construction and design of sewers, sewer appurtenances, sewage pumps, house
drainage, natural methods of sewage disposal, primary treatment of sewage, filtration of sewage
(secondary treatment), activated sludge process, sludge treatment and disposal, miscellaneous
methods of sewage treatment, miscellaneous topics of sanitary engineering, etc.
The third part deals with the fundamentals of Environmental Engineering. It discusses the topics
such as environment, ecology and ecosystem, air pollution, noise pollution, natural resources
and population, miscellaneous topics of environmental engineering and environmental
The Appendix A demonstrates the Typical Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant and Appendix
B describes some of the Terminology of the subject.
In this revised and enlarged edition three new chapters have been added. Plenty of new
matter, numerous examples and figures have been added as per the latest syllabus of different
universities of India. The permutation of some of the sporadic matter have been made to
collocate the topics in order.
The book in its 40 chapters and two appendices includes:
Self explanatory and neat diagrams
Illustrative problems
Useful tables
Questions at the end of chapters.
The book should prove to be extremely useful to the Civil Engineering and also Environmental
Engineering students preparing for the Degree Examinations of all the Indian Universities,
Diploma Examinations conducted by various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate
Courses as well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C., G.A.T.E., I.E.S. and other similar competitive and
professional examinations. It should also prove of interest to the practising professionals
